Sensory and Physical Needs

Physical Image

Area of Specialist Need Relating Difficulties With: Classroom Provision Possible Interventions

Sensory and/or Physical

These children may have a medical or genetic condition that could result in difficulties with:

- Gross/fine motor skills

- Visual/hearing impairments

- Accessing the curriculum without adaptations

- Accessing buildings or equipment

- Over sensitive senses

- Toileting/self-care

- 1:1 support

- Accessible classrooms

- Enlarged texts/use of visualiser

- Use of braille

- Use of a reader where appropriate

- Use of ear defenders

- Use of microphone/recorder

- Good listening for all classroom practice

- Hand gym

- 1:1 support

- Speech and language

- Occupational therapist

- Touch typing

- RAMP provision

- Sensory circuits

- Hearing impairment special teacher advice

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