Maths Intent Statement

At Ludlow Junior School, the maths curriculum has been designed to inspire children to become passionate mathematicians who have opportunities to develop basic skills, mathematical thinking, problem solving and logical analysis. Learners are challenged to ask questions, be creative thinkers and use a range of strategies in order to deeply embed their skills, knowledge and understanding.

Our aim is to provide children with coherently planned and sequenced opportunities in order to consolidate, extend and master skills in a range of contexts. We use the national curriculum as our broad framework and supplement this with ideas taken from the ‘White Rose’ scheme whilst also considering the needs of the children at our school. This follows a concrete, pictorial, abstract (CPA) way of teaching and learning.

Maths units at Ludlow will identify opportunities to assess starting points for pupils and content can then be adapted to meet individual needs. Learning pathways offer high degrees of personalisation through these aspects of learning. At all stages of the learning journey, opportunities are interwoven for children to investigate, problem solve and apply their learning.

Through regular and accurate ongoing assessment, teachers plan and deliver ambitious and challenging next steps for pupils to develop their mathematical skills, knowledge and understanding.

Please click on the links below to find out about the maths curriculum and what your child is learning;

Curriculum Overview   

Mental Maths Overview  

Wonderful Work        


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